Sunday 25 December 2011

update #9

hello all,
a rocky couple of weeks...and now l have a grip

Moannie/Mum is still home, resting, trying to build her strength. She is consumed with tiredness, and spends much of the day resting on her bed, cos she CAN!

She is in the middle of her second round of chemo and doesnt much like her new look..I daren't repeat how she described it, but suffice to say it was hilarious! Thank goodness for humour eh?

Mum will probably be reigning supreme from the couch on Christmas day (god its christmas day already!) with JP/Dad, NOAOS and Lita Mona in attendance. my sis will be in charge of the kitchen, apparently Dad/JP is her sous chef and NOAOS my brother will be in charge of the timetable, humour and games.

I'm sure you all wish Mum/Moannie along with me a very merry but gentle Christrmas in the midst of family.

Here it will be a very quite day, the morning spent with my son after which he joins his Dad for lunch and funny games, by which l mean charades of course! He'll be back with me on Boxing day to gorge on my own cooked christmas lunch.  Yum can't wait, as l have Mum;s/Moannie touch with the gravy.....

Happy Christmas one and all.

'alice' xx

Friday 9 December 2011

update #8

Mum is home from the hospital today!  Her immune system dropped a bit too low and she cuaght an infection, but all is well now.

In fact she sounded very bright and cheery (the steroids had just been administered! LOL) first thing this morning.

Dad is well rested and caught up on his sleep. Milou seems unperturbed by it all, after his 'quiet' family routine and home being disrupted so frequently, that he is now above caring.

I am back in a very cold Cumbria, settling back to my routine; such as it is at the moment.

Mum will probably jump onto her computer soon, if she hasn't already!
