Monday, 21 November 2011

update #6

Mum has a busy week ahead of her;

hospital appointments wednesday, thursday and friday,

all being well after the first two appointments, chemo begins friday.

After some changes to her meds, she is breathing better I can report
and more comfortable, now she just wants to catch up on elusive sleep
in prep for the next few days.

I shall be visiting again early next week, for cuddles, hand holding, praps a pedicure,
foot massage and generally some buckets of  tlc

and I think we will be shopping if she's feeling up to it....maybe even if she isn't, well it's all therapy isn't it!!

'Alice' xx


  1. I still say she should go Friday to see Buddy Greco.

  2. This is a journey we all wish her well on.

  3. Thanks for the update.
    Wishing the whole family peace of mind and hoping that everything will go according to plan for Moannie.
    You are all in my thoughts & prayers.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  4. It's definitely all therapy! Love to you both, lots of it, bucketsful in face xxx

  5. Thank you so much for these updates. Please give that Mum of yours a big hug for me. And of course.. one for yourself too. :)

  6. Its a wonderful idea the shopping just the thing to distract her .. and if her chemo is like most, she will not feel the effects for a few days so try and get out and do some retail therapy .. now, listen to me .. do take time for yourself, being a support giver is as stressful as it gets .. I vote you both get pedicures! xo

  7. Daryl that is my plan actually, pedicures, manicures....pamper mama....

    I shall be driving down sun/monday...for a few days

    Cindy, no to buddy as mum has her first chemo friday...

    of course I shall pas son the hugs and the love....


  8. A warm big hug, Alice!
    Much love,

  9. Do they perform chemo as outpatient treatment there? As I remember, the first treatment didn't seem to affect my dad much. I seem to remember him being a little weak the next day...but if my memory is correct, he was up and doing all he usually did. Of course, she is probably going to be receiving a different drug since she is on a trial medication. My mom and I have been trying to remember what the drug was called that my dad had....seems like it started with a Pa, but that is all we can remember. I am sending her good thoughts to keep her feeling like dancing. Love to you all....

  10. Okay, I just looked it up on Google and what I thought was the name, is....Paxitaxal. That is what they used on my dad....and like I said, it worked. It just made him to where he couldn't feel his feet and hands. Anyway, just in case whatever they use for Moannie doesn't seem to work, and they think they might want to switch, Paxitaxal did shrink both his lung and liver tumors to where they were giving him 5 more years to live. Radiation eliminated the tumor in his brain because it was so small when they found it. I know your doctors know what they are doing, but it never hurts to know what has worked on someone else just in case.

  11. Never know whether to be serious and wish you all well and tell you that you're in my thoughts (which you are) or be light-hearted and point out that if Moannie doesn't feel like going out how about shopping on-line. That's got to be therapeutic as well!

    Take care.


Hey! thanks for joining me here,
as I gaze in awe and wonder and dwell in possibility...

I have tea, gin and wine and a very comfy armchair..

Alice x